Converted sea freight ISO containers can be used for semi-temporary and permanent mobilization requirements where adaptability to sea freight, certification, mobility, durability at harsh environment and load bearing capacity is expected. Along this system we convert the new or second hand shipping containers with CSC (Convention for Safe Containers) certificate to the function required by our customers. Modified ISO containers are portable and can be transported several times. Converted ISO container inquiries can be contracted on turnkey basis by RC - APCON® in order to provide all the required services from a single source. Please contact us for further information about our turnkey capabilities.


  • Can be converted for off-shore, gas tight container inquiries, rig camps etc. where fully welded container type building systems are used.
  • Container dimensions will be as per sea freight standards (20’ DC, 40’ DC, 40’ HC etc.) Can be designed as stand-alone units and multi-storey units up to 5 floors. Shall be preferably installed on concrete blocks or steel legs.
  • Can be utilized with sloped secondary roof structures.


  • As the units are ready assembled all finishing works, electrical, mechanical, HVAC works, furniture, kitchen & laundry equipment, machinery etc. can be finalized at factory conditions.
  • The units will be converted sea freight containers with CSC certificates, consequently, fully assembled – fully furnished containers can be transported in line vessels with minimum cost.
  • Are heavy duty structures and offers permanent building solutions.
  • Offers high load bearing capacity suitable for warehousing, kitchen & laundry buildings, cold stores and buildings housing heavy machinery & equipment.
  • Utilizes internal ALUFORM® sandwich panels manufactured by continuous lines with coil coated galvanized steel exterior skin to ensure excellent quality for structural, thermal and acoustic integrity.
  • The sandwich panels have been engineered to eliminate cold bridging.
  • Engineered to resist local conditions including extreme high and low temperatures, humidity, sand storms, wind & snow loads etc.
  • Can be tailor-made to fit client specifications, various international codes and standards.
